Musical audio course "Soloist" for children from 1.5 to 3 years old

If you dream of seeing your child
-answering difficult questions faster than anyone else,
-singing better than anyone else,
-dancing more rhythmically than anyone else,
-reading long poems from memory with ease,
then start developing his abilities with the help of the "Soloist" course.
After just a month of classes, you will see progressive changes in your child!

Why is music training necessary?

The audio course Soloist affects the child's hearing. The more the child listens, the faster he develops. The more complex the music, the more neural interhemispheric connections are formed. This sets a high level of development and cognitive interest in the child.
And also, music affects the development of many other human abilities.
  • We develop intelligence through abstract thinking
    The lessons of the course are recorded in the form of fairy tales. The kids are interested in following the plot and getting to know different characters. The children perceive the plot by ear. This greatly develops abstract thinking and imagination of children. The background for the fairy tales are beautiful works of world classical music, listening to which the child gets to know performed by different instruments, and children's songs and games with music.
  • We develop the left and right hemispheres
    Music has a very soft and pleasant effect on the development of a strong brain. Cognitive activity is enhanced. The number of emerging neural connections between the hemispheres of the brain, the composition of the gray matter, and the thickness of the cortex increase. According to Tatyana Chernigovskaya (a famous Russian neurolinguist): "If the human brain is conventionally called a muscle, then music will be the best dumbbell for it."
  • Memorize and learn to speak correctly
    Our lessons feature characters who speak using sounds and melodies. Kids really enjoy singing these songs. They not only memorize and sing simple melodies, but also learn to pronounce words correctly. The development of free speech is accelerated. The child learns many new words. Expands his vocabulary. Learns and memorizes many new individual sounds and musical pieces.
  • We develop linguistic abilities
    Развитие слуха напрямую связано со способностью быстро выучивать иностранные языки. Чем больше ребенок слушает музыку, тем лучше и тоньше становится его слух. Ведь музыка - это тоже язык. Поэтому, если у ребенка развивается слух, то увеличиваются его способности к изучению иностранных языков в будущем.
  • Even math skills are developed with music
    The course includes exercises for fine motor skills of fingers, counting, and rhythm. Also, while listening, the child concentrates on this action. It remembers the music and thus stimulates the memory. Music affects the emotional state of children, helps to overcome various mental and speech disorders. And it triggers the mechanism of imagination, that is, abstract thinking. All of the listed factors improve the perception of new material later in school. And they allow the child to easily solve complex mathematical and logical problems.
  • We develop social communication and soft skills
    Music is a great art that affects our emotional sphere. When we listen to different types of music, we experience things. The ability for empathy and understanding of the feelings of other people increases, a positive attitude towards others develops, and as a result, the child’s social connections increase. The child's leadership qualities are formed.

How does the training take place?

- Just 10-15 minutes per day
If you study this course with your child for only 10 minutes a day, then in just 2 months he will outstrip his peers in development!

- Parents are role models for children
“Every child improves according to the wishes of his parents,” said Sinit Suzuki. Be a conscious parent, don’t miss out on your child’s important age, give him a chance to become more successful than you!

- One class per week
You need to listen to the lesson 2-3 times a week. One lesson lasts one week. During this time, the child masters the material perfectly by ear and is ready to continue. You can listen at any time convenient: in the car, in line, while drawing or swimming. Sometimes, just as a backdrop.

- Listen in parts
At the request of the child, you can listen to individual music tracks from the lesson. It is important that while listening, the child’s other important abilities develop.

Listen to the course fragment

Sign up for a trial lesson

10 euro

Course rates

Each of the tariffs is divided according to the principle of the number of lessons: the longer the course, the more effective the results!
Таriff "Game room"
1 Euro per month
Active music listening
Tariff "Soloist 1"
40 Euro
8 lessons/2 months
Tariff "Soloist 1+"
70 Euro
16 lessons/4 months

Our results

About me
My name is Oksana Stetsyuk. I have been teaching music to children for over 20 years.

I graduated from the Moscow College of Music and the Pedagogical University named after. Krupskaya, and then many additional courses on Methods of early musical development, including the Orff and Suzuki system. And I keep improving.

I am the author of a book for parents “Sounds by Suzuki” and several developmental courses for children from birth to 5 years.

I began working with young children after the birth of my own child. Now that my daughter has already grown up, I understand that everything that I have invested in her over these 16 years has played a huge role in her life, her ability to be independent, study well, speak 4 languages, have friends in many countries of the world, sing and play piano, empathize with other people.

Later, I became acquainted with the Suzuki method and finally became firmly established in my understanding of how other children can be developed with the help of Music.

I am sure that you, as a modern and caring parent, understand perfectly well that all children need music.

Listen to an excerpt from the "Soloist" audio course
What our parents are saying:
  • Max Zhelnov,
    Lisa's dad
    Stetsyuk Oksana Viktorovna is a very good teacher! A pleasant teacher to talk to, very friendly, she teaches music lessons perfectly. She is a high-level professional, very well prepared to teach young children, knows music theory very well, it is easy to master practice and theory with her. Everything is presented in a playful way, my child really likes it and we go to lessons with pleasure.
  • Nadia Pisarenko,
    Violetta's mother
    Classes for moms and babies are always very energetic and give us a lot of benefits and joy! At each lesson, we gain not only new knowledge, but also a boost of energy for the whole week! The musical development of our kids and us adults only takes place in a positive atmosphere!
  • Olga Fedotova
    Yarik's mom
    I have a child with developmental disabilities and I was looking for a recorded music program for children from one and a half years old. So that we would do exercises throughout the day and I would have a system. I think that at our rate, these materials will last for six months. Two points were important for me: my husband and I play a little and we want to slowly introduce the child too. For example, today, after a Suzuki class, a child walked up to the synthesizer and began pressing the keys himself!


Photo gallery of students from 1 to 4 years old

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